Faith Based Business

What is a Faith Based Business?

Business can be seen as a call or vocation. Business people employ their own gifts, talents and skills, the assets of their companies, and the structures and resources of the wider society for the creation and maintenance of wealth, employment, and products or services.

An authentic business leader needs to be able to perform; to answer the call, with skill, competence, and peace of mind.

Our mission is to work with business leaders to explore their respective spiritual traditions in order to assist the individual executives:

  • to integrate faith, family, and professional life
  • to develop a corporate culture that is reflective of their spiritual faith and values
  • to exercise a beneficial influence upon society at large.

We are grounded in Celtic Christianity and welcome believers who are open to and respectful of one another’s spiritual traditions. We are committed to the conviction that ethics and values grow out of one’s spiritual heritage.

Why have a Faith Based Business?

Everyone searches for meaning in life. The search is not limited to the private dimension of family, friendship, and person development; but also includes the world of work and profession.

Often the search is accelerated by feelings of agitation, restlessness, sleepless nights. This search may lead thoughtful men and women of faith to sense an apparent gap or chasm between faith experience, and experience in the marketplace.

They may come to a gulf between moral expectations and actual experience in life in the corporation, and a sense of disquietude.

After a period of serious reflection, a person may see the knowledge born of faith that we are loved by God, as inconsistent with the sometimes harsh experiences of life in the day-to-day world.

Is peace of mind possible? Is this gap bridgeable? Is the apparent discrepancy between what we profess in faith and what we see and do in business either necessary or inevitable?

Helping business leaders to answer these questions, to navigate in troubled waters, is what is at the core of what we do.

Our clients take care to identify values consistent with their spiritual commitments, to the end that their decisions and actions will be based upon ethical principles informed by and growing out of their spiritual faith.

Christianity in general contributes in a number of significant ways:

  • thousands of years of prayerful reflection have produced a rich treasure of thought directed to practical resolution of questions of right and wrong
  • the motivational power of spiritual conviction sustains morally correct behaviour
  • a picture of the world emerges from which it makes sense for people to take the dilemmas of moral action seriously and make the effort to do the right thing
  • a way of life is presented which is more comprehensive and demanding
  • a community of believers opens access to a much deeper range of values than those expressed in the conventional wisdom of the day.

Your Authentic Self

As business leaders, we are here to be of service. Having a focus on how you can improve the lives of others and make a difference in this world is where we can truly achieve what we are here to do and evolve. It is the intention that you hold that is key.

To be your authentic self, you have to live your life according to your values in every aspect of your life and to start to break down the multiple personas that so many of us display.

When you realise how you are connected to everyone in collective consciousness, you begin to realise the amazing world we live in and how all of us makes a difference. To make a difference in this world, you must first make a difference in yourself. You are a leader.

Integrity for me means having a clear understanding of who you truly are. It’s living a life where you are your authentic self, and how you are integrated with everybody else and with a Higher Power – a oneness.

When you truly understand who you are, abiding by the rules becomes immaterial. You begin to operate from a soulful place and, therefore, all your dealings both in business and in your personal life take on a different, deeper meaning. You are then one.

It still means that you run your business profitably and with purpose, but it becomes much more than doing the business and more about being the business.

It’s not as simple as “Do unto others as you would like done unto you”. It’s more than that. It’s operating from your soul. And all that comes from your soul is love. We are all here to live on one principle and that is love.

We recognise the challenges faced by modern leaders.

The commitment to inspire others while also increasing productivity and balancing the needs of the organisation can leave leaders feeling depleted.

We believe that well-grounded leaders grow well-grounded companies that stay true to values and ethics, while fostering positive relationships among employees and stakeholders.

We work hand-in-hand with leaders in your organisation to create a culture where corporate values and mission statements are clearly defined and communicated. We will help you develop specific strategies and programmes to foster the growth of those values and engage employees for better performance.

We help leaders make better decisions through values–based leadership. If you are an organisational leader seeking better decision-making practices through discovering the congruence between your deepest values and your work, we can help.

Would you like to discuss this further?

Simply complete the short form below and click the “Send Query” button. Paul Davis will contact you directly to discuss this aspect of business with you. Or you can contact Paul at or +353 (0)1 284 5320.


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