What do you do to prevent overwhelm?

Last weekend I met up with a few friends and we got chatting about planning one of the experiences on our bucket list. It was pretty amazing.

But I’ll let you In on a secret – every year it becomes harder organising these events. All I could hear this weekend is how overwhelmed everyone is with work, family, side line projects….

Do you ever feel this way? There’s things you’d love to get done, but there’s not enough time?

Here’s 3 ideas to help with that:

1. Top three – do you start your day with a long list of all you need to do? We never complete these lists & we put ourselves down for it. Choose your top three priorities each day & complete them first. Knowing you’ve done the most important, you’ll not only feel satisfaction but also energy to do more.

2. Say “No” – it’s tempting to say “Yes” but it’s normally these yes’s that throw us off balance. Don’t let people reorganise your priorities. Say “Yes” only if it won’t interfere with your plans.

3. Zone your diary – create dedicated space within the week for each element of your business (i.e. Mon- marketing, Tues- meetings, Wed – admin work, etc.)

What do you do to prevent overwhelm?