Business Consultants – Are you an effective Team Leader?

Business Consultants Its right to expect the best from your staff, but do you know how to achieve this? Try these ten top tips to show you how….. Do it first. If you can tell your team that you’ve been there, done that; you have more credibility and will gain more...

Business Mentor – Did Your Team Deliver For You?

It’s the end of the year and an excellent time to assess how your team has worked for you and for your business over the past year. But take a structured approach to reviewing staff performance, using these Ten Top Tips to make it easier for you. Be prepared. Set a...

Promoting Good Staff Relations

Promoting Good Staff Relations

It goes without saying that good staff relations are essential to maintaining a happy and healthy workplace. Nevertheless, a survey by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development last year revealed that only 37 per cent of employees have confidence in their senior management team and 34 per cent trust their senior managers. Evidently there is plenty that managers can do to foster better staff relations…

Delegation First Aid

If you want to bring your business forward, you have to learn to delegate effectively. The majority of business owners I come across spend nearly 95% of their time doing tactical work ie the day to day stuff!

Motivating Your Staff Without Money!

All businesses are in challenging times at the moment and keeping ourselves, and those around us, positive, motivated and focused compounds this challenge. So how do we best motivate our staff? Bonuses and rewards make decent motivational tools, but their effects can...