Work Smarter

Work Smarter

Small and medium-sized practices are perhaps the most vulnerable to the ‘always on’ culture of overworking. Increasingly dependent on mobiles, Blackberrys, email and internet, it’s easy to get caught up on a treadmill of endless work tasks that diminish your time for leisure, friends and family. In the worst cases this leads to stress…

Time Your Timings – Woman’s Way Magazine

Learning to manage your time is paramount in a workspace – we show you how. Laura McDaid interviews Paul Davis, Davis Business Consultants. As I sit here tonight going over my notes so I can start writing up this article on time management, the irony of my own...

Setting Our Sights High Enough

Which is more important to you: more money, or more time off? For most people, this question is a hard one. Firstly, because we usually want both:  more money and more time off. And secondly, whether we plan it this way or not, more time off generally involves...

How will 2010 be different?

Any fool can be busy. Just as it takes no special talent to run around like a headless chicken, it takes no special talent to be consumed by other people's deadlines. I have no problem showing up for appointments that have been arranged with others. If I say I will be...

Top 10 Tips on Effective Time Management

With so much to do to keep the business going, it's easy to fall back to our old habits of staying in the office longer in the evening to get everything done, and even come in at the weekends just to 'catch up'. However no matter how much time we spend working, there...