Top 10 Questions for Effective Networking – Business Development

Women Mean Business

The time is now to get your networking talents in gear and tantalise all those potential clients with your business.

According to Davis Business Consultants there are 10 top questions you should remember to ask if you want effective networking.

  1. What prompted you to come here?

    Opens the conversation and encourages a relaxed, friendly discussion.

  2. Why is that important?

    Gives clues as to priorities and concerns.

  3. What is going well for you this year?

    Focusing on the positive, encourages openness and helps build rapport.

  4. What difference is that making?

    Starts to delve deeper and reveal where they want to be.

  5. If there was anything you could change, what would it be?

    Reveals issues and challenges faced – and therefore how you can help.

  6. What difference would that make?

    Encourages them to tell you how valuable you could be.

  7. If that was happening, what would you be seeing?

    Helps clarify and visualise the difference you could make.

  8. If I could help you with that, would you be interested?

    Gives confidence that their goals can be achieved with your help.

  9. Who else do you know that I should be talking to?

    This is the best time to ask whether they can refer you to someone else.

  10. How do we go about doing that?

    Gives them the initiative to manage the introduction.


Most importantly – establish a firm commitment to communicate again and follow up within 48 hours of meeting to keep the momentum.

Following an in depth survey of 105 businesses in Ireland, we have published the results in our latest Shocking Report “The 7 Big Mistakes That 72% Of Business Owners Are Making That Is Costing Them A Fortune In Lost Sales, Lost Profits And Lost Business Opportunities!”