What did you set out to do when you were starting your business?

What did you set out to do when you were starting your business?

Quite a few of my friends are business owners themselves and I realised recently that not one ended up doing what they planned on at the start of their career.

A few examples:

  1. Wanted to be a Sports Events Organiser – > Now does Conferences & Product Launches
  2. Wanted to do TV ads -> Now does SEO and Digital Marketing
  3. Wanted to have his own Accounting practice -> Now is a Fund Manager

The list goes on and on.


This is what happens when you start out with no clear vision and strategy in place. You think you are going in one direction but the wind gradually blows you in another.

Sometimes people don’t have an end in mind and they get distracted by where money is or what is popular at that moment. And they often feel confused as to whether they should take this step or that step, changing course all the time.

Here’s how to know – always ask yourself:

  1. What am I truly passionate about?
  2. What are my highest internal priorities?
  3. What do I want out of life – what is my end goal?
  4. Does this course of action serve my end goal?

If you want to stay on track & feel confident about where you stand, make sure your actions are always aligned with these 4 areas.

So, going back to the start:

What did you set out to do?

I myself became a Management Accountant until I realised while I was great at it, I didn’t like doing it!

#AskPaulDavis  #strategy